FGS Societies Approval

Members of the Transition Oversight Team have been working for months with attorneys representing both NGS and FGS to finalize a merger agreement.

On July 14, 2020, the Boards of the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) and the National Genealogical Society (NGS) approved an Agreement to Merge. 

Before the merger can be accomplished, and as required by Illinois law, members of FGS must vote whether they are for or against the merger. Votes are due no later than midnight on August 4, 2020. 

  • The merger of FGS and NGS will be effective October 1, 2020. 
  • Members of FGS as of the effective date of the merger will become members of NGS for the remaining unexpired term of their membership.
  • Each society or organization member shall have one vote and shall appoint a delegate who shall have the right to cast a vote on behalf of the society or organization. 
  • NGS shall establish a committee of the delegates for the purpose of providing advice to the NGS Board on genealogical society or organization-related matters and implementing any programs designed to strengthen genealogy societies or organizations delegated to it by the Board. 
  • NGS will support and further FGS’ purpose and mission. 
  • At least three current members of the FGS Board will become members of the NGS Board as of the effective date. 
  • A Vice President of Society & Organization Management will be added to the NGS Executive Committee and Board. 
  • NGS will create a new position, assign existing staff, or contract to manage society services and activities, including evaluation of opportunities and products that will benefit members and overseeing the delivery of services to members. 
  • Future NGS conferences will include educational sessions on society management topics. 
  • NGS will continue the FGS Preserve the Pension Project (PTP) and continue the operation of the Malcolm H. Stern-NARA Gift Fund.
